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visual studio 2005

visual studio 2005visual studio 2005
  1. The software development environment of the system is Visual Studio 2005 , and the development language is C # .


  2. Visual Studio 2005 software is used to design real-time status monitoring software of ultracentrifuges .


  3. And it uses visual studio 2005 as the system design and processing logically debugging platform .


  4. Gives system detail design of each function components and implements the system base on the Visual Studio 2005 platform .


  5. Code and construct database with Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 under the direction of system design .


  6. And then we complete the man-machine interface design and programming of host computer in visual studio 2005 platform .


  7. Visual Studio 2005 uses the concept of configuring and creating a Data Source to be used by the applications .


  8. Application developers using the Visual Studio 2005 IDE can easily build their Windows applications and connect to IDS data sources .


  9. Also , based on the C # environment of Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft Access database technology , initially establishes spectral data management system .


  10. Start a new instance of Visual Studio 2005 , and make a connection to the DB2 sample database from Server Explorer .


  11. Then , using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2000 , the author implements the system , and describes the key implementation techniques .


  12. Based on the overall software design and system model , the TD-HSDPA function library of signal generator software has been developed using Visual Studio 2005 .


  13. We may program algorithm using the C # language , operating procedure algorithm in the Visual Studio 2005 environment , and further study and compare each algorithm .


  14. Visual Studio 2005 IntelliSense Code Snippets


  15. Besides , the system is developed based on Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server Database , and the logistics resources of the hospital are integrated considering modern management theory .


  16. The design and realization of a component retrieval system based on the new retrieving method which used Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2000 is also represented in this thesis .


  17. This further allows you to enter any arbitrary script and execute it against the respective database from within the Visual Studio 2005 IDE .


  18. Therefore , IDS users working on the Visual Studio 2005 environment can now experience a truly integrated environment and work with a rich set of IDS-specific features .


  19. The unified authentication platform based on SOA is implemented by . NET in the environment of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 , and is also tested to validate it .


  20. The wireless communication is chosen to achieve the long-range ECG monitoring system , which is achieved through Visual Studio 2005 , SQL server 2000 as the background database .


  21. Using embedded technique based on Windows CE and Visual Studio 2005 C # , a software system of handheld instrument is developed , which is used to monitor and analysis vibration .


  22. The system chooses the Windows XP as the software development platform and chooses Visual Studio 2005 as software development kit , choose C / S framework and modularization design .


  23. Based on theoretical knowledge of image processing and database , we use MATLAB , Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to realize the Shoe Sole Print Database Management System .


  24. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development platform provides high code editor , convenient user interface designer , integrated debugger and many other devices for C # . All these devices can improve the development of applications .


  25. Therefore , this system adopts the widespread use of the Internet as an application platform , with the B / S as a structural model , in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 environment to compile generated .


  26. Visual Studio 2005 program tool is utilized in pre-paid management system and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database as a background support is also adopted , it has many characteristics such as friendly interface and perfect functions .


  27. DB2 Visual Studio 2005 Add-in tooling provides an easy way to register XML schema using a simple registration designer , but this article shows you how XML schema can be registered using . Net code .


  28. This article builds demo driver fatigue detection warning system by using Visual Studio 2005 , it not only of the basic experimental platform of follow-up study , but also of the foundation for developing the application software in the future .


  29. Select SQL Server 2005 database as a background site because it is very good , and Visual Studio 2005 combined , can be more convenient to write the logical structure of complex Stored Procedure ( stored procedures ) .


  30. Serial-communication based on Visual Studio 2005 & Visual Basic 2005 ( VB . NET ) is introduced in the paper . With this method , the development cycle of system can be reduced and the reliability of the system can be improved .
